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Monday, September 30, 2013

Great Weight Loss Advice

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Best Foods For Weight Loss - Is it Possible?

As you start to research diet and exercise programs, I am sure you have probably asked yourself if there really are best foods for weight loss. Unfortunately, there is no single food that will enhance your weight loss. However, following a diet high in protein with exercise will aid is shedding unwanted pounds.

Any type of diet plan to lose weight should include foods such as egg, meat, nuts and dairy products which are all high in protein and will aid in your weight loss goals. Also, foods high in fiber will make you feel full. Other foods, the so called negative calorie foods like fruits and vegetables should always be part of a weight loss program. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water each day. In the end, it is all about consuming fewer calories than you burn during the day.

Creating a diet based around the best foods for weight loss will not work alone. Studies have been conducted and clearly show that an exercise program used in conjunction with a healthy diet aids in losing weight at a much quicker rate. A study has shown this using two experimental groups. One group was on a high protein diet, the other on a higher carbohydrate diet. Both implemented a light exercise program. At the end of the study they found that the group that ate the high protein diet burned more fat and less muscle than those in the high carbohydrate group. This is your ultimate goal, burn more fat and get lean muscle mass. These best foods for weight loss will certainly help you to reach you goals quicker.

Effective weight loss is basic common sense. Start by analyzing the best foods for weight loss and incorporate it into daily meal plan. Start exercising now, even if it is walking on a treadmill. Combining a diet and exercising regularly will aid in getting rid of those unwanted pounds.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Pills - 3 Tips For Simple and Safe Rapid Weight Loss

If you want to get thin quickly but safely, you need to understand how to lose weight quick without pills. Although it is possible to speed up your weight loss with pills, the damages make up for any gain, and almost everyone who loses weight this way eventually gains it back anyway. Here's how you can lose weight safely and effectively in under a month:

Consume generous portions of lean protein with every single meal. Protein sticks with you much longer than carbs do because it's harder for your body to process. That means that in the actual process of digestion, you will actually burn calories! Plus, with less food cravings, you will be much more successful with sticking to your plan. Make sure to even incorporate protein with your snacks. Reach for a small handful of almonds to hold you over until your next meal.

Instead of eating three large meals a day, try to eat four or five smaller meals. This will boost your metabolism and keep it elevated throughout the day so you burn fat even when you're not active. Your meals should look something like this:

Lean protein - turkey, chicken, fish, lean beer or pork

Legume - black beans, pinto beans, lentils

Vegetables - anything but starchy or sweet veggies like carrots, yams, corn, etc.

Each meal should incorporate those three ingredients and nothing else. Avoid simple carbs and sugars just for this month. You can do it! If you follow these simple tips, you will easily start seeing results in less than thirty days!

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Fat Burning - The Top 5 Fastest Techniques To Burn Fat

# 1 - High Intensity Training

By far the most effective method to increase your metabolism and put you in a fat loss state is high intensity training. The best way to do this is to do a workout where you are lifting weights or your body weight in consecutive patterns without stopping. The less you rest the more you will put your body in a fat loss state. My favorite is to use every high intensity training method I know at the same time.

# 2 - High Intensity Interval Training

To kick your fast weight loss fat burning workouts into over drive use high intensity intervals. They are proven to lower fat faster than slow cardio making your workouts more efficient so you can spend time with our family, not all day in the gym.

# 3 - Moderate-Carb Diets

I don't think low-carb is sustainable and the high-carb diet used by most Americans is obviously contributing to weight gain. Don't you want a lean toned physique? A moderate-carb diet based on fruits and vegetables will get you there.

# 4 - Extreme Dieting Techniques

There are also extreme dieting techniques that will help you lose fat faster than normal. The main techniques are intermittent fasting and strategic cheat days. It's so effective it's almost unbelievable. Especially when used in tandem with the other 4 techniques.

# 5 - Reducing your Omega-6 intake

If you stop using vegetable oils like corn, canola, grape seed, soy and cottonseed and instead use olive, palm and coconut oils you will not only see an increase in fat burning but also in your overall health. The former group of oils starting with corn are over weighted in omega-6's which is tied to weight gain. Don't let a simple ingredient ruin your fast weight loss fat burning.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Really Really Fast

Body Type and Weight Loss - Does Your Body Type Make You Lose Weight Slower Than Other People?

Body type plays only a small role in weight loss. A person's body type dictates the shape of his or her body, and is used more for aesthetic purposes than for weight loss purposes.

Nevertheless, there exists three main body types and each of these has its own characteristics as far as weight loss is concerned.

The first body type is called endomorph. The endomorph has a round torso with soft, round arms and legs. Endomorphs are usually short in stature.

Endomorphs have a challenge with weight loss because they have a tendency to store body fat very easily. The endomorph must increase his metabolism through weightlifting and must eat lots of fruit and vegetables in order to lose weight.

The second body type is called ectomorph. Ectomorphs are very slim individuals and are usually tall with very little body fat and muscle. In order to gain shape and size, ectomorphs need to eat more calories and focus on weightlifting.

The third major body type is the mesomorph. Mesomorphs are naturally muscular, and have very small amounts of body fat. Mesomorphs gain muscle very easily and lose fat very quickly. Mesomorphs should train strongly with weights, and not worry so much about what they eat.

Ultimately, the process for losing weight is the same for everyone regardless of body type. Weight loss really comes down to calorie intake.

Regardless of your body type, you can always add cardio and weightlifting to a proper diet in order to burn additional calories.

For More Related Topics Blog: Ways To Lose Weight In One Week

Friday, September 27, 2013

How To Lose Weight Fast At Home - Don't Embarrass Yourself At The Gym And Start Off Your Weight Loss

How to lose weight fast at home

Losing weight can be a really stressful thing, but it doesn't have to be a lot of people worry about going out to jams and having to work out in front of all those skinny people. Doesn't it seem like sometimes everyone at the gym except for you is in shape? Well it's time to stop having to worry about going to the gym, or doing anything embarrassing, in order to shed weight there is a solution.

The best way to lose weight at home is to start off by using a colon cleansing product. Why do I say that? The reason why I suggest that is that you can start to shed weight instantly when you use a colon cleanser. What this does is it stimulates weight loss from within, and cleans out your intestines and colon. Why is that good for weight loss?

That's really good for weight loss, especially for weight loss at home, because you can get rid of all the excess chemicals and toxins in your body and start to lose pounds instantly. When you're being nice to lose that first 5 pounds in only a couple days? Let me explain more.

All you have to do in order to lose those first few pounds is to clean your colon. This will make you feel super healthy and will help stimulate your weight loss. This is how most successful people lose weight. So, I hope you feel like you definitely know how to lose weight fast at home now.

6 Weight Loss Tips to Make You Lose Weight Faster

6 basic weight loss tips

1: Processed foods contains nothing good for your diet, it contains sugars, fats, excess salt and much more. Get rid of white foods, such as pasta, rice, bread etc. Avoid using refined carbohydrates. Pay more attention on eating raw foods such as, vegetables, pulses, fruits, nuts and eat freshly prepared meals.

2: By putting together a list of banned foods, you develop cravings for those foods. By treating yourself to those banned foods daily in small quantities (e.g. cakes, chocolates, ice cream, etc.), you will be able to stop those cravings for these banned foods.

3: Stop complaining about your old habits and get active and make yourself busy physically. This way you will not get bored and start eating junk foods. By getting yourself into some kind of physical actively you will burn more calories and feel great. You can try playing tennis, cycling, mowing the lawn, long walks join a sport that you always wanted to do and many more.

4: Most people will stop losing weight midway due to impossible to reach goals. Long term goals is not the best way to go for weight lose tips. So before you get to the long term goal start by several attainable short term goals, which are realistic, this way you will always be motivated to get to the long term goal. Reward yourself every time you achieve a short term goal. This will motivate you to lose weight faster.

5: To help you to keep slim and trim, you must drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Flavored or frizzy water contains hidden calories, so avoid them as much as possible.

6: A diary is a great way to track your eating habits. It's helpful in calculating your calories that you have used up. It will help you see how you are progressing towards your short term goals. It is one of the most important weight lose tips.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How To Burn Fat Faster - Get Off the Weight Loss Rollercoaster

Do you want to burn fat faster yet find yourself on a weight loss rollercoaster? What I mean is do you get pumped up to go on a diet and exercise program, work hard, and then lose the weight only to put it back on again?

This rollercoaster of up and down weight can be enough to frustrate anyone. So what is the solution? Well, it lies in getting your body to burn calories and fat more efficiently and this likely means you will be exercising differently...note I did not say exercising longer or harder, in fact, the most efficient exercise has you spending as little as 20 minutes and gets you better results.

The key things to understand about burning fat faster are:

1. Doing the right whole body movements at home or the gym can cut your exercise time down from 2 hours to 20 minutes.

2. You can continue to burn calories for 24 to 36 hours after you stop working out with the right workout routine.

The key thing to do to actually burn fat faster are:

Concentrate on whole body movements not the muscles when exercising. What I mean by this is simple and I can illustrate it with an example.

Look in any gym window and you will see people concentrating on working their muscles, they are doing a set of bicep curls, then they do a set of bench presses for their chest muscles and so on. The alternative approach, and more efficient approach is to do whole body movements which incorporate all the muscles of your body in the motion. This works all your muscles at one time giving you a boost in metabolism and calorie burning while at the same time reducing your time spent exercising.

This key components translate into huge calorie and fat burning benefits. In just 20 minutes of whole body exercise, your body will burn fat and calories more efficiently for the next 24 to 36 hours and this overdrive or after burn, if you will, is what causes those stubborn pounds of fat to finally drop away.

If you spend hours on the treadmill each week and get slow change on the bathroom scale, you are likely to quit and end up on the weight loss rollercoaster again. Stop working longer and start burning fat up to 10 times faster with whole body movement exercises.

5 Tips For Quick and Easy Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, get fit and tone and flatten your belly then this article is for you. I am going to give you 5 tips for you to follow that will help you become leaner and sexier if you follow them. They will be simple but very effective.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Body Weight Loss Tips - Achieve Low Body Weight

Anorexia is fast becoming part of the norm, and at a worrying pace too. There is nothing natural about absurdly thin teenaged girls walking around with clothes that barely cling to their skeletal frame. In fact, many pre-teens are also sporting similar body shapes thanks to peer pressure and the impression that is given out by stick-thin super models. If you are a teenager who want to lose weight because you are a little on the chubby side but do not want to resort to starving yourself or sticking your knuckle deep inside your mouth until you retch, you can check out a multitude of body weight loss tips - achieve low body weight easily and effortlessly.

To lose weight, you must not starve yourself. In fact, you should eat as regularly as you can. Small but regular meals are recommended, and if you are hungry, you can snack on yogurt or muesli bars that will give you plenty of energy throughout the day. Naturally, you will want to reduce food that contain oodles of calories which can be detrimental to your health. Of course you won't get a heart attack from eating too much bacon strips at the age of 16 but 3 decades down the road, you may want to refrain from overeating. Meanwhile, just cut down on junk food and concentrate more on raw food such as fruits and vegetables. To make eating raw food more bearable, you can introduce delicious healthy dips such as avocado dips.

In terms of activities, you should definitely indulge in outdoor pursuits instead of sitting in your room all day. Teenaged girls may be glad to hear that shopping is an activity that can help burn calories, so leave your car at home and walk to the nearest mall with your friends, which will definitely help you burn fat quickly!

Best Exercises to Lose Weight - Spectacular Weight Loss Exercises

Has anyone told you that the only option to lose weight is starving? You got worried with this suggestion, since you love eating the most. You can't compromise on your eating habits. You don't need to worry any more, because here is the solution for your worry. There are some best exercises to lose weight without starving. You can continue eating, but only remember to eat healthy. You should do this, if you truly wish to lose weight soon.

You should wear sweat absorbing suit for your exercises and your shoes should be perfect too. Before I suggest you about the best exercises to lose weight, I would like to add that warm up should be the initiator of your exercises. You will have to do at least five minutes of daily warm up before starting with your exercises. Start with some jogging. You just need to do jogging daily at least for 10 to 15 minutes. You can choose any place of your convenience for jogging.

Treadmill, you will have to run on the treadmills compulsorily daily. Try to increase your duration on the treadmill slowly with practice. You can do crunches daily for 25 minutes at least. This will help to burn fat all around your body.

Next, you can also indulge in some weight training. Girls need to take weights according to their comfort. Don't over exert, by taking excessive weights at a time. Increase your weight training slowly after practice. Boys can take slightly higher weights than girls, but they too should not over exert themselves.

The other simple and best exercises to lose weight are swimming, playing some outdoor games. If you follow all these exercises religiously, you will surely lose weight. The results of these exercises will surely depend upon your levels of practice. I have suggested with the best exercises to lose weight, now you can pick your plan from them and start.